
Illustration of the Monopoly man saying 'Go!'

Hi, I'm Julia.

Over the years I always seem to have had a few love jobs on the go and a couple of freelance jobs here and there, I've had an ABN for around a decade but from May this year I set myself up 'legit'. In the past, every freelance dollar earned I treated like Monopoly money, tax time always seemed to hurt because I didn't give time to doing basic things like putting away tax dollars. So now, just like a some of my design classes, I have some do's and a few don'ts to share about my experiences.

The information included in this blog is aimed at graduate and junior creative professionals who are looking to develop techniques like developing clarity of communication with their freelance clients and tools to use that will streamline the admin side. Quite possibly my previous failures and experiments may help some who have been around the industry for awhile too. I want to ensure new freelancers understand the realities of managing a freelance business with the basic and genuine hope that all creative people are paid reasonably for their efforts. 

While there may be some posts that promote certain products and services, I do not receive payment for recommendations, I'll mention it because I have personally found it useful and it's worked for me. The same product or service may not suit everyone which is ok, this blog is a collaborative space so your own experiences are also welcome.

Thanks for reading,

Collage images credit unsplash.com. Illustration: © Julia Nielson 2017. First published Dec 13, 2016


First steps towards freelance design